Uber Stock Forecast 2024, 2025, 2030-2060 | Is uber a good stock to buy?

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In today’s post we will tell you about Uber Stock Forecast 2024, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2050 and 2060. If you are thinking of investing in Uber Stock Forecast then this article will be very beneficial for you. In this article we have discussed in detail about Uber Stock Forecast.

About of Uber Stock

In 2008, Uber began as a regular taxi service. Then, in March 2009, they introduced a new kind of taxi service that changed how people get around all over the world. Now, Uber operates in over 70 countries and 10,000 cities. After the huge success of their ride-sharing service, Uber is working to grow even more. They’re not just about rides anymore – they now deliver food, packages, and more.

The folks who started Uber are Travis Kalanick, Oscar Salazar, and Garrett Camp. They began this company in 2009, and their main office is in San Francisco, CA.

Uber Stock Technical Analysis

Uber Stock Forecast 2024

If we look at the last 12 months of Uber Stock, there has been a lot of growth in Uber Stock. The performance of this stock has been quite good. This stock gave a return of 118% in 2023. Also, investors did not face any huge fall in the price of this stock in 2023.

Talking about 2024, considering the performance of this stock in 2023, this stock can provide very good profits to its investors. According to market experts, the minimum price of this stock in 2024 is $70.89 and the maximum price is $87.77. Its average price is $75.34.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
2024$70.89 $75.34$87.77

Uber Stock Forecast 2025

According to stock market experts, by the beginning of 2025, the minimum price of this stock can reach $88.77 and the maximum price of this stock can reach around $96.23. If we look at its average price it is $91.67.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Uber Stock Forecast 2030

If you are thinking of long term investment in Uber Stock, then this stock can give you returns of up to 68% in the coming 5 to 6 years. This will prove to be very beneficial for long term investors. According to the technical analysis of stock experts, in 2030 the minimum price of this stock can reach $104.53. And its maximum price can reach near $115.23. Its average price will be around $110.11.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Uber Stock Forecast 2035

According to stock market experts, this stock can give you good returns till 2035. The minimum price of this stock will be around $130.34 in 2035 and the maximum price can go up to $145.34. Its average price will be around $137.23.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Uber Stock Forecast 2040

In the coming 15 years, the minimum price of this stock can reach $145.34 and its maximum price can reach $161.24. Its average price will be around $151.23.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Uber Stock Forecast 2050

According to stock market experts, this stock will see an increase in 2050. Due to which the minimum price of this stock can reach $188.43. Also its maximum price can be around $196.23. Its average price will be around $190.18.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Uber Stock Forecast 2060

If you are thinking of investing in this stock for 30 to 35 years, then let us tell you that if this stock remains in the market in future, it will definitely give you profit and in 2060 the price of this stock will go above $200. . The minimum price of this stock will be around $230 and its maximum price can go up to around $280. Its average price will be around $245.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

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FAQ on Uber Stock Forecast

What will uber stock be worth in 10 years?

In the coming 10 years, the price of Uber Stock may go up to around $130. This stock can prove to be very good for long term investors.

Will uber stock hit 100?

Yes, the price of this stock will go above $100 in the coming 5 to 6 years.

How to buy uber stock?

If you want to buy shares of Uber, then you can choose any big trading platform and create an account in it and buy its shares like Grow Trading Platform, it is a very good platform.

Is uber a good stock to buy?

If you are thinking of long term investment in this stock then this stock is very good to buy. This can give you good returns in future.

What is the highest stock price of Uber?

The highest price of this stock is $63.53.

What will Uber stock be worth in 2030?

According to the technical analysis of stock experts, in 2030 the minimum price of this stock can reach $104.53. And its maximum price can reach near $115.23. Its average price will be around $110.11.

What is the stock price prediction for Uber in 2025?

According to stock market experts, by the beginning of 2025, the minimum price of this stock can reach $88.77 and the maximum price of this stock can reach around $96.23. If we look at its average price it is $91.67.

Where will Uber stock be in 5 years?

Within the coming 5 years the price of this stock may reach around $100.


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